Friday, January 24, 2020

The Benefits and Risks of Breast Augmentation Essay -- Breast Implant

The Benefits and Risks of Breast Augmentation Every day women are bombarded with images of beautiful models with thin figures and huge round breast. In striving to achieve the ?ideal? body type women are altering their bodies; cosmetic surgery has increased enormously in the past few years. Breast augmentation alone has increased 500% since 1992. What are the benefits of having big voluptuous breasts? Do the benefits overweigh the risks? There are two main types of breast implants. One is filled with silicone gel and the other is filled with saline (sterile salt water); both of these implants have an outer silicone shell. Prior to 1991 both types of implants were approved by the FDA, but in April of 1992 silicone filled implants were restricted by the FDA to patients with needs of reconstruction, replacement of deformities, and replacement of ruptured silicone-gel filled implants that were used for augmentation. Saline filled implants are currently approved by the FDA for women 18 years old or older desiring breast augmentation and for reconstruction in women of all ages. The restriction on silicone filled implants was provoked by the concern that the leaking of silicone gel could be detrimental to the body in the case that an implant ruptured. By contrast, a saline filled implant would only release salt water in to the body. However saline filled implants are not completely risk free. An implant is a foreign object in your body thus the body can and typically does form scar tissue around it. This scar tissue can squeeze and harden the implant causing it to rupture. The tightening and squeezing is called capsular contracture and may cause hardening of the breast, rippling of the skin, and changes in breast shape... ...not scientifically proven, many health risks may arise from breast implants. Such risks include rupture of implants, loss of sensation, inability to breast feed, hardening of breast tissue, rippling of the skin, and interference in the detection of breast cancer. There are other ways to enhance a woman?s breast but in the end it is her decision as to what route she wants to take. Bibliography California or Bust. Author: Wallace, Amy. Source: Los Angeles Magazine V. no 1 (Jan 2002) P 40-45 Saline Breast Implants Stay on Market as Experts Warn about Risks. Author: Linda Bren. Source: FDA Consumer 34 no4 Jl/Ag 2000 P 9-11 Implanting Fear. Author: B. D. Daniel & Michael Weiss. Source: National Review v47 P50 O 9 1995 Breast Surgeries Experiencing High Inflation Rates. Author: Judith Messina. Source: Crain?s New York Business v18 no14 P4, 34 Ap 8-14 2002

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Climate Issues and their Effects on Architecture

Chapter 6 Decision Architecture has to accommodate to the local clime, particularly the tropical clime has changeless rainfall and sunshine throughout the old ages. In fact, the tropical clime has a comparatively comfy temperature. But the sunshine could be intense sometimes. In this context, the inactive design should in line with the tropical clime to heighten the indoor thermic comfort in order to forestall the indoor temperature become higher than the out-of-door temperature. The design of the auditorium has to be sensitive to the climatic specialnesss and the site context ; in this context, it is able to supply passively comfy status for the residents. Climatic issues have to set in serious history in order to make the auditorium edifice envelope that are thermally comfy and bring forth the least impact on the environing environment. With the consequence and influence of â€Å"Global Warming† and the escalating monetary value of electricity, maintaining the indoor to be cool will turn as an of import issue in the hereafter. The largest energy consumer in the edifice, particularly the auditorium is the air-conditioning system. However, the air-conditioning system besides has the largest nest eggs possible sing to this issue. The 2nd largest energy consumer in the auditorium is the illuming system. When unreal lightings are runing, it consumes electricity and generates heat into the indoor infinite. Therefore, the energy ingestion is increased as there is a demand for more cooling burden. For an enclosed edifice like an auditorium, other steps are resorted, like the energy-efficient electrical contraptions. For illustration, energy-saving lightings, high efficiency air-conditioners and last but non least, the sophisticated edifice services control system. However, before sing neither the electrical contraptions nor the chilling system, a inactive method should be the get downing point to supply an efficient edifice envelope. Assorted architectural solutions have been used in the tropical clime to chair the consequence of the intense Sun on the auditorium design. Orientation of the edifice, light colour wall pigment, proper shadowing devices and the well-insulated edifice envelope. The design of the auditorium, which integrating the inactive methods should be adhered to before put ining the energy efficient mechanical and electrical edifice system. It is decidedly assisting to cut down energy ingestion in a right manner. Material like the polished aluminum sheet used as external facing is a fillip point as thermic insularity in the tropical clime. It has high value of coefficient of reflection and aesthetically nice in looking. If the budget is allowable, insularity bed can be put in the wall building and a plaster board on the internal wall surface as a dual insularity bed. Additionally, mineral wool and fiber board have a positive influence on the OTTV analysis. It has been found that utilizing insularity can heighten the internal comfort status by increasing the thermic opposition of the wall. Surprisingly, the dual wall system for the auditorium is non the best system in the tropical clime. If there is budget restraint, a simple brick wall building with 13mm thick plaster applied on both sides of the wall of the auditorium can run into a satisfactory degree. White coloring material is ever the best coloring material for the tropical clime. Besides, dual glazed clear glass with low-e is the best glazing which suit to tropical clime. Double glassy glass should be the pick of glazing type for the auditorium as it depends to the full on the air-conditioning system. It is really of import to protect the window from direct solar heat addition. The gaps of the wall should take into serious consideration. Opening at East-West lifts must be avoided as it brings in direct heat and serious solar radiation. If the gaps are ineluctable for the East and West lift, shadowing devices should be attached to supply the proper shading consequence. By agencies of suited shadowing devices aid relieve the comfort status in the auditorium. In this context, the horizontal shading devices suit for East and West lifts while the perpendicular shading devices are the better option for North and South lifts. Proper pick of edifice stuffs can cut down the solar radiation penetrates to the internal infinite of the auditorium. It is really important for the auditorium in tropical clime. Materials with low thermic transmittal and low heat capacity are the most preferred to forestall the heat accumulate in the edifice envelope during daylight. The heat, which accumulated would radiate into the internal infinite of the auditorium in the dark when the air current velocity tends to be lower. Consequently, hot air temperature and high humidness caused hapless indoor air quality in the auditorium. When there is a map in the dark, it utilizes more energy in order to unclutter the unwanted air in the auditorium. As the UBBL is amended to follow with OTTV computation at the design phase before the building, construct environment in Malaysia is now concerned about a more energy-efficient and sustainable edifice, in term of the building stuff, edifice design, energy efficient edifice services and contraptions and so on. Now the to the full active manner edifice like auditorium is deriving its attending to be a green edifice. There will be lesser and lesser energy wastage created by auditorium in the hereafter. The smart system like the Building Automation System ( BAS ) in the auditorium should be implemented good. It would be ineffectual if no 1 to supervise the uninterrupted public presentation of the edifice system. The BAS system needs regular monitoring and bettering the position quo. The Energy Management System ( EMS ) is now a tendency for energy efficient edifice. On the other manus, renewable energy is now a manner frontward in order to prolong the ecological environment. It is particularly of import for the auditorium, which consumes higher energy than the other type of edifices. A sustainable auditorium is of import as it leads the betterment to the other to the full active manner edifices like the shopping complex and hotel. The probe and surveies done on the sustainability of the auditorium are for the endurance of thuman in the hereafter. The physique environment which helps planetary heating should be reduced. DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE STUDY It is undeniable that the figure of surveies and publications on the relationship of clime to architecture, people and energy usage is really extended. Undoubtedly, a assortment of theoretical and proficient jobs should be solved before a existent ecological architecture can be created in the tropical states. In order to hold the decision of future surveies even more useable, different auditorium should be tested to obtain more complete informations sets. Additionally, it is advisable to utilize questionnaires as parallel subjective surveies to acquire the subjective comfort informations. Future surveies can include a more elaborate survey of the hair-raiser works room control, included more informations from the hair-raiser operation on the behavior of the rooms’ airing systems. In a nutshell, the probe of this survey was limited to merely one instance survey auditorium. Further surveies on assorted instances of auditorium in Malaysia are recommended to derive more accurate rating.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Essay Sample on How i Spent My Christmas Holiday

Christmas is a time to slow down, to take a deep breath, to look at snowflakes dancing outside the window and at flames of votive candles on the decorated mantelpiece†¦ Well, at least it is supposed to be like that. Last year, however, I was worried we’d have to spend Christmas not by a Christmas tree and a blazing hearth, but among bare walls and surrounded by cardboard boxes. That’s all because we were moving to another town. There was nothing to worry about, however. My mom’s old friend lives there, and she helped greatly in arranging matters. She was kind to inspect the apartment offers found on the Net. Her husband, who is a civil engineer, commented then on all the pros and cons in each case, so that we could make up our minds more easily. He also recommended a reliable van line – they delivered all the breakables we decided to transport safely. Not to pay too much for transportation, we thought it wiser to buy some of the furniture and major appliances when already at the new place. And that’s where Christmas shopping campaigns (which I usually find too hectic to my taste) came in handy. Due to numerous discount offers, bonuses and other perks, such as free delivery, we managed to furnish our new home with nicest things without it costing us an arm and a leg. Of course, touring the shops took us not one day but ten, but every minute spent was definitely worth it. I was lucky to participate in it all – thus I had the better part of December off school (well, I just had to work harder for a while at my former school). After we bought the necessary furniture and home appliances, Mom and Dad got busy with some minor repairs and redecoration. As for Christmas ornaments, they delegated this task wholly to me. Oh, how glad I was! I can say I love festive preparations not less than the celebration itself, so I set about the task with all my heart. For inspiration, I went window-gazing every day; those walks were magical in and of themselves thanks to light snowfalls that lasted a week. The streets were beautiful; I also visited malls. I sauntered past shop windows, took snapshots of designs I liked, and then discussed them with Mom and Dad. We brainstormed the best suggestions, and next I went to collect supplies for the DIY-able things and buy some ready-made ornaments. After that, with time free from school at my disposal, I devoted myself to creativity. It was bliss – if I’d had to attend classes, like it was every December before, I wouldn’t have even half the opportunity to indulge in all the arts and crafts that I love. I made fabric accessories, felted and papier-mà ¢chà © ornaments, bunting, table decoration, greeting cards and gift wrapping. Apart from that, I gave a hand in redecoration, too. While Mom was busy cooking, Dad and I went on pasting new wallpapers, hanging curtains and light fixtures. After a few more days of work, we made another tour to stock on groceries (which was a bargain, too due to all the special offers); then all that was left was arranging the furniture, buying a Christmas tree, decorating the place and preparing dinner. On December, 25 we invited Mom’s friends over to our place. We presented them with a set of designer ceramic vases for their beautiful home, and they gave us a fondue pot, some fine Belgian chocolate and a pound of delicious strawberries which we relished as well as our long chat that wonderful Christmas night.